Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Words, Words, Words

Yes, that is a Bo Burnham reference ;)

I have been neglectful to you, my poor blog. I am deeply apologetic!
What have I been up to lately?
Well... School. Yay for school. Sometimes it vexes me... Other times, I enjoy it so much that I can barely contain myself. (this doesn't happen too terribly often...) Either way, I love learning new things. Aaaand dissecting things! Yum....
Sheep braaaaain....

Ees a CRAWfish!!

Yeah, gotta loooove biology lab!

Also, I got a new job. I'm a sales floor team member at Target! I'm loving it hardcore, seriously. They hired me for a seasonal position and told me last week that they wanted too keep me permanently. Needless to say... I was pretty freakin happy.

Oh! Puppy pictures :)

This would be Jack's "Christmas outfit." Poor puppy...

There was food, so he didn't even notice his ear was flipped back.

I just love the way his legs are contorted here.

Such a sweet puppy, curled up in amongst my school books.


  1. i love you a whole, whole, whole LOT! And congrats on the permanent job! That's wonderful! <3

  2. thanks girrrl! haha. love you, sweets.
